About us

About us

Each of us has wondered at least once: “What happens if it all ends?”. Will there be a heavenly bliss for donating to Kickstarter, or a hellish torment for not having watched ‘’Star Wars’’ yet? Perhaps you will be reborn as a legendary athlete or just an octopus, delighting in the ocean’s beauty and the passionate embraces of coral reefs…

We all want to know what lies ahead. While we delve into the world of theories and attempt to understand reality, remember one thing: when the future is uncertain, master the basics to be ready for any path.
“The Universum” is a book and a comic, a game guide, a life guide, and a knowledge base for those ready to laugh at themselves. Why read it? Read to strengthen your fundamentals and be ready for any path, even if it leads through Krombopulos Michael’s galaxy… You’ll get to experience the transcendent, comprehend the impossible, and contemplate the unknown and unseen.
Who should read it? If you’re aged 16 to 120, operate on a sarcasm level, spend 89% of your time in front of a screen, laughing at your own mistakes, and you’d choose the red pill just because it looks like a strawberry gummy bear… Why not explore another alternative multiverse?

“The Universum” provides you with a wealth of opportunities. At the early stages of the book, you’ll become a novice creator, building your universe based on old codes and witty jokes. For a more vibrant journey, head from Arcanum to Agartha, where the same laws of balance and equilibrium apply. However, despite your power, you’ll soon face difficulties when the Sword of a Thousand Truths, which you forgot in one of the Dungeons, is used against you. Explore this world with the sexy AI Suvi and the enigmatic 14-year-old sorceress Yuni.

However, striving for perfection, do not forget about the exceptions and chaos, which will undoubtedly knock on your universe’s door portal, destroying everything in their path. You may even have to turn to your past self to restore the lost balance and save your creation from destruction. In this adventure, you’ll realize that perfection cannot exist without chaos and surprises, as they breathe life and diversity into your universe.

About us